Rksv 100 jarig bestaan plaquette


Volendam now has one professional club in FC Volendam and one amateur club in RKAV Volendam, but the two have their origins as the same club. RKAV Volendam (Roman Catholic

Heenvliet Bronzen plaque


Heenvliet was a fishing village on the Bornisse in Voorne-Putten. In 1469 the town received city rights, at the same time as a weekly market and a horse market. To

Standbeeld voor dorpsheld Boet van Dulmen


For many years, the inhabitants of Ammerzoden have thought that their greatest sports hero should be appropriately honored, Boet deserves a statue. Boet let the village enjoy his successes during

Bronze plaque with text and 3d images


In 1999, the Botterwerf Huizen Foundation was established. One of the aims of this Foundation was to be “facilitating the maintenance of classic ships”. Construction of the yard could start

Commissioned plaque, based on an historic piece of art


We use our 3D techniques not only for living persons or pets. We also convert works of art from ancient history into 3D statues or plaques. This time a beautiful

A bronze statue as memorial monument


Aanleiding van dit beeld: On August 4, 2014, the 100th anniversary of the Corps National Reserve officially started. In addition to many activities, one of the highlights was the creation

Bronze bust Koos Albers


This bronze bust is a gift from entrepreneurs from Hierden. They much admire the folk artist who had a serious accident in 1987, less than 200 meters from his home.

Dark Buste on a plaque family transfer


The son-in-law has formally taken over the grass and plant trading company. The father-in-law wanted to take a step back to spend more time on his family and other hobbies.

Duo bronze plaque after family transfer


Son recently formally took over the business. Father and mother take a step back to enjoy the fruits of their hard work. The son wanted to make clear they could